Saturday, June 19, 2010

Inner Truth Practice Perspectives

Synopsis on Inner Truth

Oneness of world religions. One truth behind many approaches, hence inner truth. Simple yet difficult to perceive. Diversity effects outreach for good of many. One heavenly saint's* role as messenger to stress oneness of faiths. Faiths and sects are pillars of Divinity. Differences enrich, add colour, liveliness and spirit. Not divisive but complementary. Blogger honours the saint's divine mission. Truth realisation yields tranquillity in life.

Below is collection of articles on practice

Why fuss over fasting?

Fasting is not the norm in life. There are many forms and variations. It had predated the religions of the world. Why fast? What purpose does it hold? Perhaps, it reminds us to keep our mouth shut. Sometimes, it is better not to talk or eat.

Likely, this contributes in some way to cleansing of the body (gut) and the mind (thoughts and speech). We learn to hold our tongue and not tongue lash others. Fasting gives leverage to fortify purity of mind and body, especially when done in conjunction with meditation, prayers and worship. It allows us to be spiritually attuned to the wavelength of the saints. Fasting does balance up the scores to make us more humane and somewhat a wee bit nearer to being divine. It minimises tendency to human weakness for oral abuse. Oral abuse come in two ways - "talk too much" or "eat too much".

It will bring out the innate divine or God nature in our core by reminding us what many in disasters face, namely famine, hunger pangs and malnourishment.

Also it will make us more mindful and aware that we should not do the opposite and eat ourselves to obesity and less health.

Hopefully it will enhance in us the love and compassion for life as well.

Brethren, isn't it true in life that we can at times be lopsided, unbalanced, untamed and un-moderated in the use of our mouth. Not surprising that we may not be able to be orally correct in the way we eat, drink or talk. We are not steady, habitual and steadfast in doing so.

Brethren, the occasional fasting as a wholesome religious observance puts the brake on oral indiscretion. Fasting is like a missile to effect course correction in direction of our spiritual as well as non-spiritual life. It puts us on course to a better wholesome life. We learn to hold our tongue more and talk less. This is more so when we are not as wise as we can be.

Lord Bo Tien image portrays him with smile and mouth closed. This is a reminder to be orally discreet and to have pleasant demeanour. His left hand in salutation bids us to be steadfast and to stay on course. His both feet on elements remind us to subdue flattery and gossip (frivolity). From physical health angle, fasting does remind us on one hand not to fatten ourselves and, on the other hand, not to have discomfort of hunger and asthenia. This again illustrates the need for balance in life to steer clear from polar extremes. In this instance, it is about how to balance our oral intake.

Senior Bro Philip was fast in getting fellow brethren to fast when anyone fussed over heavenly blessings for smoothness in milestone undertakings. Thanks must be to Philip and his fuss on fasting, even if at times, it is only short fast confined to morning. Fast would involve abstaining from speech and food.

Give fasting some fuss at times. It may still be relevant today as it was yesterday.

Lesson of the lone tree that survived drought better than the rice fields and plantations

Thus have SBP been told some four decades ago that the singular temple of the lord saint is like the lone and unremarkable tree at the fringe of rice fields and plantations. The rice fields and plantations had flourished better in the past when nature was more forthcoming with rivers and streams flowing with water and nutrients aplenty from the mountain tops. Then came a long drought. The stream and rivers dried up to a trickle and the muddy beds of exposed banks did cake up in places. The farmers were distraught. The rice fields and plantations were in sorry state. But the solitary tree at the fringe away from rice fields and plantations appeared to fare better. Though not resplendent with fruits or seeds and not spectacularly luxuriant with foliage and leaves, it is quietly there and at peace even when those in plantations were systematically and mercilessly affected by the harsh elements of nature. The farmers wondered why the lone tree could fare better when the plantations they tenderly and meticulously nurtured were affected. Then, it occurred to them to shift the plantations to where the solitary tree was. When drought came the plantation trees and rice fields around the solitary tree did survive better and could even bear more fruits and crops. Why? There was underground water and stream. The truth was that simple but it was not readily perceived. In fact, the farmers faced profound issue of their crops and plantations being affected by the long drought. The solution was simple but somehow, it did escape their mental radar and helicopter vision.

Many seek the truth of ancient wisdom (behind religions and sects). Yet the profound truth is simple but difficult to perceive.

The plantations and rice fields represent the religions and sects. They have spread further away to places where they become too heavily dependent on the unpredicable moods of nature. Religions too have evolved further to meet additional needs beyond the original. This has resulted in the original fervour and basics to be diluted in some way. The core or original needs are at times no longer as easily noticed and prominent - not exactly in centre stage.

The moods of nature represent the yin and yang twists and turns which encompass human whims and fancies. All religions have to contend with the swings of worldly issues.

The solitary unremarkable tree represents the mission or temple of Lord Bo Tien. He is not here to start a new religion (plantation) for there are prevailing religions (plantations) to meet needs.

The plantations represent the world religions and sects. The trees and plants in plantations are the places of worship i.e. temples and churches.

The solitary tree (representing the temple of lord saint) is more adept in surviving all weather (yin and yang) because it was securely rooted in basics vis-a-vis the inner truth (sub terrain underground water). All religions and sects must be able to return closer to and be better rooted in the basics, that is, more of the inner truth and bring back a great deal more of the founding spirit and focus of their founding prophets than they have for now. This is represented by the plantations being moved to be around the lone tree that is to where there is sub terrain water.

This lesson of the lone tree has great implications and ramifications with respect to traditional places of worships of Asians -- especially Chinese temples. The vast majority of temples have learnt to mimic the worthy deeds of community services of a handful of temples like that of the lord saint. Many even collect cash and kind to join hands with those few temples steep in welfare services. They also return to the spirit of their founding days. They re-orientate and re-focus on original founding days activities such as early-day doctrinal activities. Such practices, inclusive of spiritual and charitable, were there when temples were first started out by the founding generations. But these practises somehow lost some steam with the years due to surge of new needs to meet newer social trends of latter day adherents. Use of western drums and guitars, rapping and praying and singing in pop or western and country music tunes are some add-ons of latter day adherents. Not to forget that in modern eras, there are singing and screaming clergy in preference to meditative, contemplative and soft spoken clergy. These trends are OK and enable more new social ways to lasso in the new generations. But they must not eclipse the traditional focus ways which better carry and deliver the core basics of the founders. The traditional focus ways are better able to elicit fervour and pitch of founding generations. Preserve the old but add new flavours and icing. Do not end up changing the cake. In religious sense, there should be no change of religious focus from pristine, pure and simple yet profound originality of founder's doctrine and values.

From the personal life angle, the one who is rooted in spiritual values and shelter of heaven is like the lone tree rooted in sub terrain water. He has endless source of water of life (vis-a-vis from the spiritual values of truth and the shelter of heavenly saints) in contrast with those who are not rooted. He is less affected by the ups and downs of nature / yin and yang. It is more smooth sailing for him even in times of drought and difficulties in life for he will still have the water of life.

Those who are close to such a person are likely to reap benefits. In the story above, crops and trees were re-sited next to the lone tree. This facilitated them to be better positioned to harness goodness of ground water. Likewise, it is beneficial to relocate and re-focus life so that we can live with the goodness in men and not with the weaknesses of men. (Please refer to the first stanza of Blessing Discourse - Mangala Sutra by Lord Buddha.....associate with the wise in men and do not associate with the folly in men...)

Lord saint Lord Bo Tien has reminded us to learn from the gospel of life - our own life and the lives of others. In the above parable of the lone tree, the farmers had learnt to move their plantation trees to the proximity of the lone tree. In life too, we should be near to the good so that we can learn to have peaceful and fruitful life. Then we too can be good in living and in life. This will pave the way for a smooth, uneventful, lovable and peaceful life despite the yin yang reality of ups and downs in life. Cheers and have more of that peace and love in life

Lead the spiritually rich life and be blessed in all ways

Spiritual focus is to live life and not to leave life
It is good that we lead our life with spiritual principles and let our spiritual development take precedence. This does not mean that we do not have any non-spiritual life. We do not leave life but live life by enabling life with spiritual orientation.

The context of worldly success in spiritual life.
The very principles for spiritual life not only uplift us spiritually but are applicable to and effective for non-spiritual life. Just by being spiritually motivated, we reap two gains - spiritual and worldly. But the very purpose for the cultivation of these principles is for spiritual development. The worldly successes are just secondary or perhaps even incidental. This spiritual focus does not equate to leaving the worldly life. We live our life correctly in divine way and do not leave life.

How we may falter and have problems and crisis?
A situation may arise when complacency sets in. The individual may be carried away by his worldly prowress due to his spiritual blessings.. He then focus on the worldly. He has less focus and time for personal spiritual cultivation. He back slides and becomes weaker spiritually without even being aware. He is then not as good in effecting the principles and as a result, his worldly life becomes complex, messy and problematic. He has less time for himself. He has no peaceful and easy life. There is lack of insightfulness and he gets carried way by the worldly contingencies, the yin and yang. He got entangled in the cobweb of worldly life. He is controlled by life and not in control - not at peace.

The solution is to be mindful and insightful.
Brethren, when your life no longer gets on smoothly and appears to be more materialistically focused than spiritual, do take a backseat and reflect. Return to spiritual focus and soon your job and social matters seem to be less complex. You will no longer solve problems by creating more problems. You will have worldly gains and success with less effort. Problems seem to resolve easily. Your problems somehow are less and are easily solved. Big issues become small issues and small issues become no issue. You are easily at pease. You feel more blessed. Your correct practice of right values will harness blessings in three ways. You bless yourselves. Heaven bless you and your fellow men bless you. You exude inner peace and love for life. You attract the love and blessings of gods (saints) and men.

Be mindful to stay spiritually orientated. This means we live life. We neither leave life nor overindulge in worldly life and status. We love life and find life meaningful, peaceful and easy.

Who is near and far from fulfilment?

Many seek fulfilment in life. Yet reality or truth is not straight forward and difficult to perceive. Profound and complex as it seems to be, it is simple if we can see with our mental eyes not covered by dust of ignorance. Who, brethren, is near and far from fulfilment? Who, brethren, is wiser and who is more fulfilled, satisfied and at peace with life? Who has more life in life? Who is more happy and who is in torment with more craving and wants?

Is he the one who is rich but never have enough, or, the one who has not much and is contented with his lot but yet has enough to spare?

Is he amongst the very rich who beg and yearn for more, or the not-so-rich but who can afford to spare a dime or two? Is he the one who is amongst the best of the best in skills and knowledge with strings of degrees but who always want and canker for more? Such persons may often despise themselves and want to be better than the Joneses in the whole wide world. To put it bluntly, they want to be better than the best and live in fear that some others will better them. They struggle on and are swallowed up by the burning flurry of their desires.

Are they more blessed than those who are less learned and with less paper qualifications but better able to put their limited skills and know-how and institutional knowledge to good use for themselves and for society? The latter have learnt from hands-on exposure and from working with others. They are rich in life blessings and yet relatively poor or limited in endowment. They have ample resources to make life work for them and for others. They struggle less and have more contentment and fulfilment. Over time, they do keep up with knowledge. They do not toil and lust for more paper qualifications but have no problem in gathering more....over time.

But is the one who gives up and wastes away life by doing nothing more at peace than every one else? Surely not, for he finds no meaning but wallows in denial and says life is unfair and unkind to him. Yet, he does not lift a finger but is swallowed up by his sloth and torpor. He never tries enough and grumbles incessantly.

Such is the truth and paradox of life. Blessed are the contented who are less endowed and more often at peace than those who are more endowed but canker for more. They are also more blessed than those who give up, waste away life in sloth and torpor, surrender life to denial and say life is not kind to them.

This is the truth of life which we often forget when we are carried away by worldly drives of yin and yang. The profound truth is indeed simple but difficult to perceive. But do be mindful and be at peace with life. Only then can we be truly richer and wiser in truth of life even when still moving on with life of yin and yang, of trials and tribulations.

Cheers. Be reminded that we must be wise to the inner truth that is profound, yet simple and at same time difficult to perceive. Who is near and who is far from fulfilment? The truth of this is truly profound and yet simple. There is more to it than meets the eyes. The rich in blessings may feel poor and the less endowed may feel rich and fulfilled indeed. Such paradox can be jarring reality in the true world..... and are lessons we can learn from life.

Principles of Inner Truth and Health

The very principles for success in spiritual development will also ensure success in worldly happiness in all areas. This is especially true for health, both physical and mental health. The balanced approach fosters peace and ease in life. This is depicted in the lord saints image with both feet balancing yin and yang elements.

Physical fitness for example must be in tandem with fitness of the heart - cardiovascular fitness.

Sedentary life will lead to poor cardiac fitness. Heart rate will be high even at rest. Over exertion eg weekend warrior type of physical exercises is stressful to the heart. Heart rate will be high due to stress of exertion.

Gradual and consistent non-stressful exercises over the years will lower heart rate with better physical performance. Such a person can have low resting heart rate of below 70. His heart rate during exercise will hover on low side of target heart rate of between 100 to 130 even when running fast over long distance.

We must not race our heart. Tiredness and stress, both physical and mental can raise heart rate. Avoid activity levels that cause high heart rate. High heart rate close to and exceeding maximum heart rate prones individual to sudden cardiac arrest, high blood pressure, heat related disorders and stroke.

Maximum heart rate MHR is defined as about 220 minus age. Exercise is essential for health. But for exercise to be beneficial, heart must work at least at 50% of MHR. But heart rate beyond 70% of MHR is stressful for most people. Exercise promotes health when done with heart rate within target heart rate THR of 50% to 70% of MHR.

Avoid the two extremes. Strenuous life style races the heart. This can be both physical and mental. The opposite is sedentary life and being a couch potato. This too raise the heart rate even at rest.

Go for the balanced approach. Regular exercise within target heart rate range promotes low resting heart rate of below 70 at rest and for sedentary activties. Regular exercises within THR range three to five times a week pomote efficient heart and heart is able to pump at lower heart rate. With time, this translates to resting heart rate below 70 per minute. Resting heart rate is the heart rate at rest. (Tai Chi and meditation too cultivate peaceful habit and lower heart rate.) Thus the principles that hold true for spiritual cultivation can be applied for non-spiritual aspects. This truth did lord saints remind us time and again.

inner truth netizen